Top Gear

Shark attack!

Top Gear live

A new Top Gear Live world tour is about to dock in Australia and Jeremy Bass, for one, is not looking forward to its arrival and has accused the format of jumping the shark.

In a preview of the tour for the Sydney Morning Herald Bass starts, “This year, one of television’s best-loved institutions will acknowledge itself as one of television’s best loved institutions and proceed to crush itself under the weight of its own self-regard.”

Acknowledging the success of BBC TV’s television jewel Bass claims the gold mining on the back of such strong ratings is a sign Top Gear is falling from it’s zenith, “There, perhaps, lies the threshold at which great stuff like Top Gear first tips its nose downward: the moment they replace audiences with ”fans”. Once that happens, it’s fait accompli things will climax, and go limp. All that’s left is shark-jumping.”

Pushing the point further, Jeremy Bass said, “A motoring program that turns into an all-singing, all-dancing live arena show is clearly approaching the peak of its torque curve. Where to from there?”

Certainly the 2009 world tour didn’t reach the expected highs, as the AUSmotive review reported, so perhaps Bass does have a point. After attending last year’s show, I know I’m in no rush to go out and buy tickets. How about you, are you planning on going to Top Gear Live when it comes to Sydney in February?

[Source: Sydney Morning Herald | Thanks to Mick for the tip]

4 replies on “Shark attack!”

Sadly, no. It is simply a concept that does not translate well to a live show as such. They’d be better off just taping a few shows here instead. Watching the guys throw a few cars around a track is something they cannot replicate in a confined space, and is best left to being seen on the screen.

To be honest, I think To Gear “jumped the shark” some time ago. I’ve stopped watching it. I love cars, and loved the show. I used to look forward to new series etc. However, they have become parodies of themselves, endlessly playing up to their predetermined one dimensional personas. The show has become less about cars and more about recreating the “top gear” cookie cutter show.

My 2c

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