Targa Tasmania Video

Left four and a half after crest!

It’s a tough gig being a navigator in a competitive rally. Especially if your driver misses a call. Thankfully, in this footage from Targa Tasmania, driver Kym Illman and navigator Kirrilee Gentleman were not injured and we can indulge a few lighthearted moments. Although, let’s hope Kirrilee is wearing a HANS device when she next straps herself into a rally car.

The accident happened on the Riana stage and full footage of that stage leading up to the 190km/h crash can also be seen after the break.

[via Motorcentral]

10 replies on “Left four and a half after crest!”

They don’t sound very confident in the lead up.

Bloody lucky there was such a nice run off, if that was a forest…

deja vu of the moment in his 911 turbo at taga west. this time he went through 3 fences!!

FL00DY – starting to think it should be!!

I really hope she doesn’t suffer any after effects from that neck snap – it can take a few days or so for a whiplash injury to rear it’s ugly head – I know this from personal experience, and mine was no wear near as violent as that!! Woke up 10 days after an accident and couldn’t move my neck! I really hope Kirilee will be okay.

i cannot believe hans wasn’t mandatory. that is a joke, especially when event been running for 20 years.

This driver is useless….he is continually talking and questioning the calls….was clearly not reading the road and not driving to the conditions either

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