Formula 1

F1 teams throw ‘must win’ system out the door

Last week news emerged that the 2009 Formula One driver’s title would be decided by the driver with the most number of wins, irrespective of points scored. It did seem a bit odd that this decision was announced so close to the start of a new season. It was odd for a few other reasons too, but now it doesn’t matter as the F1 teams have spoken as one and had the idea shelved until the 2010 season, at least.

In a classic case of he-said-she-said it is understood that the FIA was told the teams were in agreement with the ‘winner takes all’ plans only to later find out this was not actually the case. Brilliant management there!

The full statement from the FIA:
“On 17 March, the FIA World Motor Sport Council unanimously rejected FOTA’s proposed amendment to the points system for the Formula One Drivers’ Championship. The ‘winner takes all’ proposal made by the commercial rights holder (who had been told that the teams were in favour) was then approved.

“If, for any reason, the Formula One teams do not now agree with the new system, its implementation will be deferred until 2010.”

[ Source: ]

2 replies on “F1 teams throw ‘must win’ system out the door”

Well well well!!!!!! Again one more change in the rule by FIA, All the changes are common in recent years to make F1 Races very competitive and interesting..It will be a new kind of experience for all the teams and fans.

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