
Gee wizz

Volkswagen, usually known for creative excellence in their advertising, have let the team down a bit with this new commercial which features the Scirocco R and Golf R. But, by showing both cars fanging around a racetrack, well, I guess they can be forgiven. And by being another member of the blogosphere to showcase the ad I guess Volkswagen have achieved their aim!

9 replies on “Gee wizz”

Doubt it’s an advert, in the typical, classic sense. It’s more like a promo video. The mkIV R32 had a ghey promo video too.

It isn’t the first car advert you’ve seen that targets homosexuals.
The ad below was screened all over the world, including Aus for a while, and it’s blatantly targeting those that bat from the paddington end…

That ham bloke is right, the vid in this article is just some promo crap, not a TV commercial.

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