Well the drums rolled off in my forehead and the guns went off in my chest…
That’s how I felt with Audi’s teutonic symphony orchestra behind me today. Welcome to the Audi R8. There’s nothing quite like the sound of a V8 and what better place to put it than right behind your ears. All 309kW of it.
They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I defy anyone to claim they don’t like the silhouette of the R8. It is simply stunning. I’m not sure Audi’s understated desirability has been executed better. So, when sir is considering a quarter of a million dollars on a supercar sir can be assured that with the R8 he will look the part and create the appropriate, albeit subtle, impression. A point highlighted by the looks and smiles from nearby traffic during today’s drive. Mash your right foot to the floor and you’ll be creating smiles on a demographic far broader than Audi ever planned. While putting a grin on your face that has you giggling like a mischievous school boy.