Hyundai recently launched a couple of new TVCs that rip off Top Gear. Disturbingly called “Top Deer” the ads centre around the show’s familiar air hangar set and, of course, Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May.
The ads have been very well executed, there’s no denying that. But is the actual premise of the ads just a wee bit twee? Similarly, are the Top Gear presenters now so well stereotyped that a deer, a hamster and a tortoise are all that’s needed to fulfill their roles?
There’s two ads ready for view after the break. Have a look and see what you think. Remember, season 15 of Top Gear starts in the UK on 27 June.
2 replies on “Hyundai releases Top Gear spoof”
LOL Hyundai taking the piss to a new level.
Absolutely brilliant!