Lamborghini News

Runout of the bulls

Lamborghini OC - Stealer of the year!

Lamborghini OC in the United States was the country’s largest Lambo dealer, and counted A-list celebs among its clientele, until it closed down suddenly last November. The cause was thought to be the financial crisis, but new court documents seem to uncover the real story. Okay, so it may not be news to anyone that some car “stealers” have shady reputations. But these guys took the “stealer” label just a bit too seriously.

The cowboys at Lamborghini OC are alleged to have been knocking out deals that were too good to be true. Indeed, the deals were so good they sold over 50 cars in just 8 days. The proceeds came to around US$12M. That’s some runout sale!

There was just one problem, the cars which had been sold by the dealer were originally financed by Volkswagen Credit, and, you guessed it, they’ve not seen one cent of that $12,000,000. Understandably, they’re a bit upset with the current situation and are suing the owners of the dealership, the Keuylian family.

Turns out the Keuylians appear quite adept at not paying bills, with the East-West Bank wondering where their US$3M in loan repayments have gone. Also in their repertoire is exchanging cash for cars, whereby they take the car, but forget to pay the cash. Nice work if you can get it, I suppose. But it all catches up with you in the end, even if you are driving a Lamborghini.

The Volkswagen Credit case is scheduled for hearing on 22 January.

Source: OCregister