Accessories & Tech Safety Issues

Get ready to say ‘Cheese!’

Tele-Traffic Concept II speed camera

Go Auto brings word that Australian police are keen to try a new generation of speed camera which can not only detect speeding motorists from 500m away, but also confirm if they are chatting on a mobile phone or not wearing a seatbelt.

Made by UK company Tele-Traffic the Concept II speed camera is under consideration by NSW Police. At around twenty grand a pop a multiple order will have some work to do to start paying dividends. That’s assuming such decisions are made on financial grounds, of course, which we would never suggest.

The maker’s intro to the camera reads:

Concept II is a customer configured speed detection and enforcement system for use in the tripod mounted mobile attended mode. For the core of the system it utilises a Type Approved LTI 20.20 UltraLyte 1000 laser speed detection device, a Type Approved Tele-Traffic Display Control Unit, integrated video camera, and professional zoom lens. The remainder is tailored to the user’s requirements. The recording medium used is DVD+R technology which offers greater flexibility for evidence gathering in speed enforcement.

If you’re interested you can even download the Operator’s Manual.

[Source: Go Auto]

5 replies on “Get ready to say ‘Cheese!’”

I’m all for anything that gets mobile phone users and seatbelt non-wearers out of cars and onto foot or public transport. They are a danger to everyone else who does the right thing.

I’m all for anything which removes my privacy without any reference to me, and collects money for all sorts of trivial offences. These cameras need to be calibrated also to catch smokers, those eating while driving, teeth pickers (and nose-pickers, obviously), make-up adjusters, fiddling with navigation systems and radios, talking to passengers loudly, with excessive hand movements, singing loudly and badly, screaming kids…

Also, unwashed windscreens — the cameras need to crack down on this, too — downright dangerous. And poorly-adjusted mirrors. Hang on, hang on — surely we can also monitor tyre tread depth, too?

Let’s get those serial fog-light offenders. And anyone with blown bulbs — they’re the cause of many accidents (or so people who back-end other cars say…)

Picking off speeders at 500m sounds EXACTLY like road safety awareness and being a visual deterrent to motorists considering speeding or other criminal dangerous activities. It does not at all sound like a sting operation.

If you get caught speeding, then wear the fine and demerits. No probs. But start being up front about these tactics. It isn’t about reducing the road toll. Its about raking in some dollars in a highly covert fashion. Pathetic.

For the record, I have all my points.

Great so now rather than watch the road we need to search for hidden cameras that will be masked at 500m away. Ah this shit never ends…

@Timbo’s comments!!!

Fully agree!! The lady that likes to look back at the children as well… She made me miss the green light cause she was too busy talking/yelling at the kids in the backseat and gave me the finger when I beeped the horn at her!!!

FFS… I will no longer be driving I am getting a motorbike and I hope that this cameras only work if they are point directly at my front number plate… oh wait my motorbike wont have one of them… winning!

RAGE!!!!! F U Money grabbing government not spending it on fixing the poor quality roads!!! and spending all my rego on getting this damn awesome new cameras!!

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