You may recall Audi hired the services of Justin Timberlake as a brand ambassador to help promote its new A1 premium hatch. Well, it would now appear Audi thinks they’ve found the next Jason Bourne.
After watching this six-part series, though, it would seem Matt Damon’s honour remains in tact. For Timberlake, not so much. Indeed, if I were a casting agent it’d be a case of “don’t call me, I’ll call you”.
All six clips of The next big thing can be seen after the jump. They’re around 3 1/2 minutes in length on average, so it’s not too taxing to check them out in one sitting.
So what about the A1, it’s supposed to be the star of the show, right? It looks good enough on camera, and the stunts are performed with competence. In the end, though, you don’t come away from watching these short films thinking the bar has been raised in any way. It’s clichéd popcorn for the masses. I give it two and half stars. What did you think Margaret?