Ferrari Oh the humanity

Ferrari 458 Italia lights my fire, again!

Ferrari 458 Italia

This burning Ferrari 458 Italia phenomenon is getting out of control. After the break you can see video of the sizzling 458 shown above, which was filmed in China.Apparently there have been four fire incidents involving the 458 Italia in the last two weeks.

Reported in the UK newspaper The Telegraph a Ferrari spokesman from Britain has said, “We are taking all the reports very seriously and are looking into them, but we are treating them all as separate incidents.”

With waiting lists approaching three years you’d be a bit pissed off if you already had one of these otherwise fantastic cars only to see it end up in a smouldering, useless mess.

[Source: Telegraph]

Ferrari Oh the humanity

Ferrari 458 Italia really lights my fire

Ferrari 458 Italia

This molten mess you see was once a gorgeous Ferrari 458 Italia. If you thought last week’s bbq case was a sorry sight, well, this disaster has taken things to a whole new level.

According to the post on the Wrecked Exotics website this 458 was another French roast. Allegedly the car was having an ace time flying up a mountain pass right up until the point the car’s engine caught fire. The end result, as you can see, was remarkable.

[Source: Wrecked Exotics via]

Ferrari Oh the humanity

Ferrari 458 Italia lights my fire

Ferrari 458 Italia fire

The gentleman you see above got a bit of a fright when he saw the rear arch of his Ferrari 458 Italia in flames while driving through the streets of Paris. No danger of the captain going down with the ship here, though. Monsiuer Italia legged it leaving his poor 458 to a firey end.

All was not lost, however, a good samaritan saw the trouble ahead and soon stepped in with his trusty fire extinguisher to minimise the damage.

[Source: AutoGespot | Thanks to Chris for the tip]

BMW Porsche Video


When watching an episode of Top Gear you get the impression that Jeremy’s powersliding is so effortless and well honed. I wonder if, behind the scenes, it looks more like this?

Either way, it would still be a heck of a lot of fun!

Source: Car and Driver