Last night Spyker Cars completed its purchase of Saab. Spyker intends to allows Saab Automobiles to operate as a stand-alone sister company alongside the Dutch brand under the parent company of Amsterdam Euronext.
Victor Muller, CEO of Spyker Cars NV is excited about what lies ahead for the Swedish brand, “We are delighted—Saab’s future is now secure.
“With a well funded business plan in place we are looking forward to working with Saab’s management on the realisation of that plan and bringing exciting new products to our customers. Real Saabs, Saab Saabs.”
Understandably Saab’s CEOis breathing a sigh of relief, “Today’s announcement is great for Saab’s customers, dealers, suppliers and employees around the globe, the level of passion and support shown to Saab over recent months has been remarkable and this does bode well for the future. Now we aim to get back to the execution of our business plan, starting with the introduction of the new 9-5 later this year, and with the continued support of our employees and business partners I am confident we will succeed.”
A full statement can be read below.